Artivist Series - Joselyn Takacs

Artivist Series - Joselyn Takacs

Novelist Joselyn Takacs recently published Pearce Oysters, an intimate look at how the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon oil rig back in 2010 impacted the lives of oyster fishers who make their livelihoods fishing on the very real Caminada Bay. The impact from the disaster, still the largest in history, became the impetus for Joselyn to nine years of research before she completed her novel. Joselyn discusses what learned that the act of writing a novel is its own reward. She says: “A good day is a good day of writing. It’s the best feeling and should be enough to sustain this, well, career slash hobby that I have of writing fiction.” We also explore on the podcast more about farming for oysters in the Gulf of Mexico.

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Artivist Series - Manuela Zoninsein

Artivist Series - Manuela Zoninsein

Manuela Zoninsein began her career as a journalist in China. While there, she witnessed a shift from reusable to single-use water bottles. The Brazilian-American’s love for the beaches of Rio de Janeiro and her experience and academic studies at the MIT-Sloan Executive MBA program, led her to found Kadeya, a company with a mission to replace single-use plastic bottles by developing an innovative vending machine that will ultimately reduce the plastic pollution crisis.

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Artivist Series - Sophie Guarasci

Artivist Series - Sophie Guarasci

Sophie Guarasci worked in the world of fashion and finance before becoming a licensed veterinary tech. She works at the Marine Mammal Center, the nation’s foremost marine mammal hospital located just north of San Francisco. Sophie oversees the clinical and surgical treatment and husbandry of seals, sea lions, and sea otters. It’s her dream job, even though there are times she has to make difficult decisions about the treatment of severely ill animals.

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Artivist Series - Angela Abshier

Artivist Series - Angela Abshier

Angela Abshier is a commercial lawyer and founder Sail to Shelter, a not-for-profit that repurposes elite and super yacht sails into shade and shelter for humanitarian purposes. Angela came up with the idea for Sail to Shelter after being introduced to offshore racing. She envisioned that the strong but light weight fabrics might be useful in settings where permanent construction is too costly and building supplies might not be readily available or suitable. A sail is large enough to cover a soccer field. Because the sailing community has yet to step up and take responsibility for their sails 97% end up in landfills. Angela estimates each sail is equivalent to 10,000 water bottles.

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Artivist Series - Katie Horning

Artivist Series - Katie Horning

Katie Horning is a water steward based in Michigan. She serves as Chair of the River Days Festival in Midland and is a leader of the online platform Rivers are Life. Rivers are Life’s mission is to build awareness of and connection with rivers and, in doing so, inspire action to protect, preserve, and explore them. One way Katie does this is to promote the stories of River Heroes. She believes highlighting their projects is an impactful way to showcase the value of rivers.

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Artivist Series -Sarah Cameron Sunde

Artivist Series -Sarah Cameron Sunde

Sarah received the prestigious Guggenheim Fellowship for her nine-part series 36.5/A Durational Performance with the Sea. This work has been performed on six continents in places as far flung as New Zealand, Kenya, and New York City. Sarah’s intention is to connect humans with water and the impact of climate change. During each site specific performance she stands in the water for a full tidal (12.5+ hours). The rise and fall of the tide on her body is reflective of what has occurred in nature in the ancient past and will continue to do so unrelentingly into the future.

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Artivist Series - Holly Rankin aka Jack River

Artivist Series - Holly Rankin aka Jack River

Holly Rankin is the latest guest on the Women Mind the Water Artivist series on WomenMind Holly is an Australian singer/songwriter/festival promoter, and an activist in the areas of environmental and social justice. Also known as Jack River, her music often deals with difficult topics, like personal tragedy, climate change, and social justice. Holly believes transforming such messages into music has the power to inspire action.

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Artivist Series -Hannah St. Luce Martinez

Artivist Series -Hannah St. Luce Martinez

Hannah St. Luce-Martinez, well-versed in Belize’s natural and cultural resources, describes Belize, its natural resources, conservation and biodiversity, and the importance of promoting inclusivity and empowering youth and women.

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Artivist Series - Hoku Cody

Artivist Series - Hoku Cody

Hoku Cody, a Native Hawaiian, seabird biologist, and life-long ocean lover, protector, and advocate advocates for community stewardship in actions, that revitalize traditional rights within Hawaiʻi’s natural and cultural resource management industries. Hoku works with the National Ocean Protection Coalition to create and support marine protected areas and have the Pacific Remote Islands designated a National Marine Sanctuary.

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Artivist Series - Vicki Nichols Goldstein

Artivist Series - Vicki Nichols Goldstein

Vicki Nichols Goldstein is the latest guest on the Women Mind the Water Artivist Series podcast. Vicki is founder of the Inland Ocean Coalition. Her impressive credentials include a master’s degree in marine policy from Yale University and working with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to co-write documents for the designation of the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. Vicki served as the Executive Director of the California-based Save Our Shores. When she moved to Colorado, she founded the Colorado Ocean Coalition and in 2017 Vicki rebranded it as the Inland Ocean Coalition. Inland Ocean Coalition empowers citizens wherever they live to be leaders and make positive contributions to ocean protection.

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Artivist Series - Rebecca Rutstein

Artivist Series - Rebecca Rutstein

Rebecca Rutstein, an accomplished artist who has received many awards and been involved in numerous public exhibitions, is the latest guest on Women Mind the Water Artivist Series Podcast ( Rebecca’s career has taken her to remarkable places including the high seas and the ocean floor. In all, her artwork strives to build connections with nature, inspire wonder, and foster environmental stewardship.

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Artivist Series - Lisa Scali

Artivist Series - Lisa Scali

Lisa Scali considers herself a foodie and a lover of the ocean. She is more than a co-owner of Ocean’s Balance and a chef, she is a proponent of eating more sustainably by consuming seaweed. Lisa who has lived in Paris and New York, two of the world’s best-known cities for foodies, now lives in Portland, Maine where she leads a culinary trend to encourage Americans to eat more seaweed, a plant that is farmed and harvested from the ocean.

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Artivist Series -Tosha Grantham

Artivist Series -Tosha Grantham

Tosha Grantham is the latest guest on Women Mind the Water Artivist series on Tosha who holds an advanced degree from Howard University in art history, with a focus on contemporary art and specializations in American and African diaspora arts, lives in Florida where she learned about the work of Diving with a Purpose, an international nonprofit that for trains Black scuba divers to assist in the documentation of underwater culturally and environmentally important sites. Our conversation highlights her experiences with Diving with a Purpose and the important work they are doing. DWP focuses on both archaeological work on shipwrecks and ecological study of the health of coral beds.

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Artivist Series - Dimitra Skandali

Artivist Series - Dimitra Skandali

Dimitra Skandali grew up on Paros, a Greek island in the Aegean Sea. She says the island has shaped the way she sees the world. Dimitra combines traditional fiber arts like crochet, embroidery, and weaving with sea grasses and beach trash as a way to focus attention on the ocean and the environmental issues that impact its health and sustainability. While her work is rooted in her relationship with the Aegean Sea, Dimitra also has ties to the Pacific Ocean, having spent almost a decade in California. By using beach trash and natural materials she explores sustainability and other environmental issues like ocean pollution. Her installations, which have been curated in more than 90 solo and group exhibitions worldwide, allude to increasing environmental risks alongside human migrations and struggles with identity.

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Artivist Series - Lisa Kozel Mangione

Artivist Series - Lisa Kozel Mangione

Lisa Kozel Mangione is a mixed media artist who is the definition of artivist. Lisa raises money for charitable causes by either donating her work to the organizations directly or selling her work and donating the proceeds. Lisa is using her art in service of the Perryman Peninsula Project, a rural community in Harford County, Maryland. The land known as Mitchell Farm is under consideration for development as a freight distribution district. The possibility of the land being transformed from rural to industrial has spurred Lisa to action. She is concerned about the harm the development will cause on an area that used to be wetland. Already industrialization impacts local waterways and ultimately Chesapeake Bay, the largest estuary in the United States. The new proposal will cause additional pressure and to be sited closer or on the water. Lisa wants people to know that even an average person can make a difference. “If everybody realizes that they have a small piece of the puzzle. It may be a small piece but when you put all the pieces together it becomes something big and good.

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Artivist Series - Margaret Wertheim
crochet, coral, art podcast, women podcast, artivism podcast, feminism PAMELA FERRIS-OLSON crochet, coral, art podcast, women podcast, artivism podcast, feminism PAMELA FERRIS-OLSON

Artivist Series - Margaret Wertheim

Margaret Wertheim is an Australian-born science writer and artist who with her twin sister founded the Institute for Figuring. The Los-Angeles-based nonprofit explores the interrelationship of art, science, mathematics, and women’s handiwork. The Crochet Coral Reef is one of their projects and what we will focus our discussion on today. Margaret Wertheim holds degrees in mathematics and physics. Based on the mathematical discoveries of another mathematically-minded woman, Margaret and her twin sister Christine originated the Crochet Coral Reef project as a response to climate change. The Wertheims’ crocheted representations of coral has become a global collaboration with tens of thousands of people contributing their own pieces to citizen-generated art-installations.

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Artivist Series - Maanarak of Grey
art podcast, women podcast, ocean podcast, visual artist PAMELA FERRIS-OLSON art podcast, women podcast, ocean podcast, visual artist PAMELA FERRIS-OLSON

Artivist Series - Maanarak of Grey

Manaarak of Grey is a visual artist and storyteller who lives in the Netherlands. Maanarak grew up on the Caribbean Island of Bonaire. She believes the ocean and water are a vital part of life for humans and the ecosystem. Maanarak likes to use her platform to talk about current issues and offer solutions from the perspective of someone who has studied international development management. On the Women Mind the Water Artivist Series she shares her thoughts about the ocean, plastic pollution, collaboration and art.

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Artivist Series -Violet Sage Walker

Artivist Series -Violet Sage Walker

Violet Sage Walker is the chairwoman of the Northern Chumash Tribal Council. Among her many passions and activities, she is an accomplished horsewoman, SCUBA diver, as well as steward of Chumash natural resources, culture and history. Violet carries on the legacy of her late father Chief Fred Collins who had a vision to protect a section of California coastline. He worked to have 156 miles designated as the Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary. It would be the 17th National Marine Sanctuary and the first Indigenous-led sanctuary. This marine sanctuary would serve as a natural bridge between the Channel Islands, and the Monterey Bay National Marine sanctuaries.

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Artivist Series - Lisa Shaw

Artivist Series - Lisa Shaw

Lisa’s work demonstrates a woman deeply connected to water. She creates functional art that improves both the environment and people’s lives. Lisa is cofounder of the Scottish-based company Biomatrix Water. Their work involves the creation of floating islands or habitats that restore water quality, ecological habitat, and human connection to nature. Biomatrix Water does this with an interdisciplinary approach combining art, nature, and technology. Lisa explains how art and technology can work along with nature to heal urban eyesores and restore fresh water, estuarine, and even marine environment.

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Artivist Series - Kim Bernard
art podcast, women podcast, woman podcaster, plastic art PAMELA FERRIS-OLSON art podcast, women podcast, woman podcaster, plastic art PAMELA FERRIS-OLSON

Artivist Series - Kim Bernard

Kim Bernard is a full-time artist based in Maine who creates installations using upcycled trash. She works with communities to share the joy of making things using recycled materials. Kim has over 30 years of experience as a professional artist. She creates works with a range of materials from debris that washes ashore, bicycle inner tubes, plastic bags, even bowling balls. Kim has built a mobile recycling device. She uses her PopUpCycler to encourage communities to collect plastic trash. Together they shred the plastic and transform it into pieces that are assembled into a unique and meaningful installation for everyone to enjoy.

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