Artivist Series - Joselyn Takacs
Novelist Joselyn Takacs recently published Pearce Oysters, an intimate look at how the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon oil rig back in 2010 impacted the lives of oyster fishers who make their livelihoods fishing on the very real Caminada Bay. The impact from the disaster, still the largest in history, became the impetus for Joselyn to nine years of research before she completed her novel. Joselyn discusses what learned that the act of writing a novel is its own reward. She says: “A good day is a good day of writing. It’s the best feeling and should be enough to sustain this, well, career slash hobby that I have of writing fiction.” We also explore on the podcast more about farming for oysters in the Gulf of Mexico.
Artivist Series - Sophie Guarasci
Sophie Guarasci worked in the world of fashion and finance before becoming a licensed veterinary tech. She works at the Marine Mammal Center, the nation’s foremost marine mammal hospital located just north of San Francisco. Sophie oversees the clinical and surgical treatment and husbandry of seals, sea lions, and sea otters. It’s her dream job, even though there are times she has to make difficult decisions about the treatment of severely ill animals.
Artivist Series - Merle Liivand
Merle Liivand is an aquapreneur, plastic pollution reduction advocate, Guinness World Record holder and mermaid. The Estonian-born swimmer holds several Guinness World Records her latest was achieved on April 15, 2023, in a little over 14 hours. Merle swam 50 kilometers using a monofin, a record setting swim for the longest distance swum using a monofin. It's a feat because she swam the distance without using her arms by undulating her lower body up and down mermaid-style.