Artivist Series -Wallace “J” Nichols

Artivist Series -Wallace “J” Nichols

J talks about his work and explores his connection with the ocean. J has always been emotionally attached to water. He can go way back to his childhood where he remembers always being the first one in the water. He grew up wanting to be a problem solver, someone who wanted to roll up his sleeves and get the work done. In college. J has found that nature has helped him be connected, to feel awe and wonder and joy and peace and freedom. He believes we need to provide opportunity for young leaders give them space to restore themselves and be energized to come back and do the work

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Artivist Series -Tracy Metz

Artivist Series -Tracy Metz

Tracy Metz is a journalist, author and podcast maker. She also is the director of the John Adams Institute, an independent foundation in the Netherlands, that brings the best and the brightest of American thinking to the Netherlands. Tracy is passionate about the interplay between urban issues, architecture, and the natural environment, particularly water. Her book Sweet&Salt: Water and the Dutch, investigates the change in the country’s approach to water management in times of climate change. Her podcast Water Talks addresses global issues with water – too much, too little, too dirty and too unequal. Water Talks grew out of the United Nations conference on water held in NYC in March 2023.

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