A Millennial’s Call for a Tidal Shift Aimed at Environmental Change

Sophie Davis a Women Mind the Water Artivist Series podcast guest had an op ed published on February 1st in the Portland Herald newspaper. I am publishing excerpts to highlight the importance of artivism and the perspective of a millennial (born between 1981 and 1996 or ages 23 to 38 in 2019).

“Like many people my age, I spend a great deal of time thinking about the future. Our global communities and ecosystems face unprecedented uncertainty and opportunity. We are redefining the power structures that have been idealized throughout our lives. We are rethinking the hierarchies that disregard the values of respect, interdependence and connectivity integral to collective well-being. We embrace climate action by questioning the norms that too often make our leaders’ pledges of sustainability empty and unrealistic.

“For my generation, climate change must be met head on – with honesty, intelligence and determination.

“It is encouraging that my home state of Maine recently received more than $7 million in federal funds to minimize the impact of sea-level rise and other environmental damage brought on by climate change. At the same time, Gov. Mills has announced more than $5 million in new state grants to create green energy jobs, among other initiatives.

“But social activists can do even more, and one of our top priorities is educating others. Public awareness is still lagging in many states.
After all, about one-quarter of Americans don’t believe in or are unsure about the climate crisis. When tens of millions of U.S. citizens can’t even identify the problem or openly ignore its existence, finding a solution becomes an uphill battle.

“Which brings us to one underrated solution: art. In all of its many mediums, art is perhaps one of the most creative and meaningful ways to respond to the climate crisis. It is communicative, empathetic and emotional. It fosters dialogue, leaving space for reflection and education without polarizing us.

“I witnessed the transformative power of art last year, as an inaugural juror for the Portland Museum of Art’s Tidal Shift Award – the annual prize for young artists who address the climate crisis through their artwork. In many ways, the time to act was yesterday, but it is too late to be pessimistic. The Tidal Shift Award is a perfect example of a call to inspire becoming a call to action. It is an opportunity to be part of the solution. I invite all young Americans to be part of that solution.

”Those who admire art understand its wide-ranging benefits – it doesn’t just mean a pretty picture on the wall. Young artists in particular are leveraging their interests and talents to make statements about the looming threat of climate change. Not only that, but they are proposing new ways to mitigate the threat at hand, giving a whole new meaning to social activism.

”Climate change is one of America’s most serious problems, but it’s still not too late for a tidal shift in environmental action.”


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