Sophie Guarasci

Sophie Guarasci worked in the world of fashion and finance before becoming a licensed veterinary tech. She works at the Marine Mammal Center, the nation’s foremost marine mammal hospital located just north of San Francisco. Sophie oversees the clinical and surgical treatment and husbandry of seals, sea lions, and sea otters. It’s her dream job, even though there are times she has to make difficult decisions about the treatment of severely ill animals. Sophie believes that people wherever they live should care about these marine animals as they tell us much about what is going on out there in their home the ocean, which is tied to human health. And for her, every time the Center is able to release an animal back into the ocean, Sophie feels hope that she is making a difference.

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Danielle Burnside

Danielle Burnside grew up in Michigan on a lake. At the time she was scared of anything that lived in the water. After she moved to Hawaii, she didn’t venture into the ocean for two years. It was divine intervention that a friend of hers who had been working on a manta ray tour point was leaving the job and offered her place to Danielle. Danielle had always wanted to see mantas but was scared of the dark water and got sea sick. She took Dramimine and went on an introductory tour. She fell in love with the experience and took the job. Her life changed when she went underwater.

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