Lisa Tossey

Storyteller and communications specialist Lisa Tossey is communications specialist for Global Fishing Watch, a nonprofit that uses cutting edge technology to transform data into information that encourages fair and sustainable use of ocean resources. Lisa feels very fortunate to be working with a creative and resourceful team. Her job is to provide an interface for the public to be able to assess complex data in a digestible and engaging way in order to look at complicated aspects related to issues related to fishing on the high seas. Lisa is also an artist in her own right. In the Wo(men) Mind the Water Artivist Series podcast we explore her work with Global Fishing Watch and her work as an artist. She does it all in service of the ocean, her happy place.

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Manuela Zoninsein

Manuela Zoninsein began as a journalist in China. While there, she witnessed a shift from reusable to single-use water bottles. The Brazilian-American’s love for beaches in Rio de Janeiro and her studies at MIT-Sloan Executive MBA program, led her to start Kadeya, a company that aims to replace single-use plastic bottles with an innovative vending machine that reduces plastic consumption.

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